Monday, 2 April 2012


Welcome back to our '10 For Tuesdays' series, this year we have band Monks of Mellonwah to answer our questions. So lets get straight into it!

When did you start making music and what was the main reason behind it?
By the end of our high school days we had all become pretty aware of each other’s skills as musicians. Josh (drums) and I (Joe) were in the same music class and were awesome mates so we had been jamming on and off for 2 years before we really considered the idea of a band. In late 2009 when we heard Will sing for the first time it kinda just clicked for us both and we knew we had an opportunity for something special. Me and our other guitarist back then Vikram turned to my brother John to ask if he was interested in playing the bass for us. He had always been a guitarist and was the reason I picked up the guitar, and he loved the idea. So I guess it just went from there – we all loved our music and we all loved each other so it was such a perfect thing.
Who are your main influences?
I’m sure if you were to ask a similar question of the whole band you would get a very confusing response with bands and artists being thrown at you from different directions haha. But we all have so many different influences and while that might make anyone think of conflict and confusing sounds, it has been the real reason why I think our music has a unique taste and edge, if you call it that. So it is pretty interesting really - as a band I would say our sound has evolved from a raw rock style to an epic and atmospheric sound which is because of our combined love of bands such as Muse, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.

Who would be you favourite artist to collaborate with?
Ahhh a hard one… Speaking for myself (on behalf of the band of course haha) I would say Led Zeppelin despite the clichés, in their former glory. They absolutely defined rock music and the music we have all grown to love so I think not only would it be such an honour to play with them, it would be so awesome to see how our music and our playing as individual musicians work with each other.

How do you think the Internet has helped independent musicians
The Internet is the key, and has been the whole way for us. While it has inherently made the industry tougher and a great deal bigger, social media and marketing tools have just allowed music to explode all over the world. It has opened a gateway for so many musicians who would not have usually had the chance to be able to share their music to the world. It is bringing all music professionals together.

What do you think are the most unique challenges faced by an indie artist?
With today’s industry, it is not such unique challenges but more like endless challenges haha. Physically connecting with people is generally more accessible through the internet, but actually connecting with them on an emotional and musical level is a massive challenge. Getting people to shows, especially in the Sydney scene is getting harder and harder, and getting recognised by someone with the funding capable of rocketing you into cyberspace is another challenge. But I think the most unique challenged faced by an indie band is keeping it together, working hard and sticking by each other while its tough. I think if a talented band can do this, and I plan to be one of these bands, there is nothing that can stop them.

Check back for part two of the interview later on today.

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